Deirdre’s and Naoise Scheiling
In 2019 Ore and Ingot was commisioned to make a bronze bell for the Deirdre Scheiling. The Deirdre Scheiling was commissioned by Sam Macdonald to commemorate his wife Evelyn Macdonald. The Scheilling was designed and built by stone artist David F Wilson.
The Scheilling, is based in Taynuilt and takes in the view of the landscape where the ‘Diedre of the Sorrows’ saga takes place. The Scheilling incorporates and memorialises a Scottish man’s love for Evelyn Macdonald, an Irish woman, just like in the Gaelic saga. The space entwines their love and overlays it with the landscape and language of Deirdre of the sorrows.
When the Scheilling opened the mobile foundry was taken up to Taynuilt and a 25kg bronze bell of traditional Celtic design was cast. During the event family and friends came to celebrate the Scheilling and the memory of Evelyn.
The Scheilling is accessible to the public and if you are in the Argyll a visit is highly recommended. The bell is there to be rung out by all.